http://www.capnhq.gov/ Civil
Air Patrol Homepage.
http://www.cawg.cap.gov/html/operations/ES.htm A very good grouping of
ES Materials, including hard-to-find aircrew training documents, via the
California Wing site.
Air Force Rescue Coordination Center at Langley AFB, VA (ACC)
http://www2.acc.af.mil/afrcc/nss/ The National Search and Rescue School
http://wwwmil.acc.af.mil/jrca/index.html The Joint Combat Rescue Agency
(Note: sorry, but this site is accessible from .mil systems only)
http://www.jpra.jfcom.mil/ JPRA.
Similar to JCRA.
http://www.amwc.af.mil/cads/sere/ Survival, evasion, resistance and
escape. This is a USAF rescue site.
http://users.adelphia.net/~capt1295/capt1295/crockettsar/ 'Crocket SAR,'
A good CAP ES site.
http://www.thehock.com/" The
Hock Shop is ONLINE! Super fast service for uniform parts & supplies.
http://www.homestead.com/ngsar/home.html The National Emergency Services
Academy (NESA) provides standardized training for CAP members from all over
the country.
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CAP Emergency Services
Phone Numbers:
CAP HQ ES/CD/DDR: (334) 953-4220 CAP Operations
FaxBack: (334) 953-2599
AFRCC Missions Only: (800) 851-3051 AFRCC Admin: (804) 764-8117
Other CAP Phone Numbers:
CAP Aerospace Education & Training: (334) 953-5095
CAP Cadet Programs: (334) 953-4238
CAP Bookstore: (800) 633-8768 CAP Supply Depot: (800) 858-4370
Membership Services: (334) 953-7748 Marketing/Recruiting Request Fax:
(334) 953-4245
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http://www.ltronics.com L-Tronics:
the manufacturer of the venerable line of Direction Finding equipment
commonly in use by CAP nationwide.
http://www.beckerusa.com Becker
Avionics makes the SAR DF-517, a doppler-based DF unit becoming very popular
in Civil Air Patrol aircraft.
Another brand of direction finders is the Tracker.
http://members.aol.com/homingin/THRDFSinfo.html For in depth direction
finding information, buy a copy of "Transmitter Hunting: Radio Direction
Finding Simplified." It is widely considered "the bible" for DF.
Ham radio operators have been direction finding for quite some time.
For some CAP relevant information, check out
Other DF topics ,
Ground Team Info
and ELT Info.
http://www.avionix.com/elt.html An interesting informational site about
ACR, a leading manufacturer of ELTs and other survival electronics. They
have also recently released their own direction finder.
http://www.rcc-net.org/rcc/rddocs/gpsep/index.htm Integration of a
Global Positioning System Receiver in an Emergency Position-Indicating Radio
Beacon (academic paper & info)
http://hereford.ampr.org/history/90prc.html#_Toc444343390 Very detailed
information on the PRC-90 UHF survivor radio.
http://www.hamtronics.com/r121.htm Hamtronics R121 aviation receiver
that can be used as an ELT detector at your home airport.
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http://home.columbus.rr.com/lusch Check out this site for NTAP
information. This site is put together by an ATC controller with very
similar interests to ours in CAP.
The California Firescope partnership (the event that started the Incident
Command System) has most ICS forms online. The Firescope home page and
other wildfire management web sites may also be good templates to look at
for how CAP can deal with real time mission data and information on multiple
jurisdiction missions.
http://www.icisf.org/ The
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. CISM is necessary for
ES personnel.
http://www.casara.ca/ Civil Air
Search and Rescue Association (CASARA, Canada)
http://www.cgaux.org/ US Coast Guard
Auxiliary, a similarly organized organization with some similar missions
http://www.fema.gov/ Federal
Emergency Management Agency Homepage
http://www.nasar.org/ National
Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR)
Search and Rescue Institute links page
http://www.nss.gc.ca/ National
Search and Rescue Secretariat (Canada)
http://www.rcc-net.org/ Rescue
Coordination Centre Network
http://www.eskimo.com/~c180tom/ Washington Air Search And Rescue (WASAR)
http://www.dartmouth.edu/~janl/journal/archives/sar.emergency.html An ES
Article published in THE CAP OFFICER Journal, "SAR is an Emergency" by Maj
James Caggiano, CAP, North Carolina Wing.
http://safetycenter.navy.mil/aviation/ The Naval Safety Center in
Norfolk, Virginia publishes a monthly flying safety magazine called
"Approach." I suggest downloading the March 1999 issue and reading pages
18-19, which detail some of the hazards that exist within a crash site.
While their intent is investigation, many of the same safety principles
still apply. They also have a Microsoft Word document for downloading
entitled "Mishap-site hazards" that is very useful.
http://www.ERI-INTL.com/ The
Emergency Response Institute (international) is an organization that is a
source of eduational publications for Search and Rescue.
http://www.icao.org/ The US has
adopted the new International Search and Rescue Manual created jointly by
the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO). It is in three volumes and not available
online. It must be purchased from eitherthe IMO or ICAO.
http://www.nss.gc.ca/ Canadian
National Search and Rescue Secretariat
http://www.ntsb.gov/ Read this NTSB report of a CAP search for its own
gone awry.
http://www.avweb.com/toc/database.html Tail Number, NTSB, and Airman
lookups courtesy AvWeb. (free membership required)
http://www.risingup.com/planespecs/ A database of aircraft performance
data for determining max possible range, true airspeed, capacities, and
other information.
Malcolm Dickinson's CAP website. This longtime CAP member and supporter of
online CAP resources has, in addition to many other useful items, the
steps to become a Mission
Observer" and the
steps to become a SAR/DR Mission Pilot.
Information from the FCC about 406 MHz personal locator beacons (PLBs).
http://www.nhs.mnwg.cap.gov/senior_programs/g-charts/g-charts.html The
North Hennepin Composite Squadron offers professionally gridded charts for
many Sectionals--fly with a clear & current grid!
http://www.maptools.com A wide
variety of map and navigation tools are is available at this site.
http://www.delorme.com Map, GPS,
and software information from DeLorme's: I highly recommend purchasing an
Atlas & Gazeteer for your state, if it is available. This tool is useful to
Aircrews, Ground Teams, and Mission Base alike. (Topographic maps of an
entire state in one book!)
http://www.census.gov/main/www/srchtool.html Map utility from the US
http://mcmcweb.er.usgs.gov/drg/index.html#teale USGS Digital Raster
Graphics Page
offers aerial photos of a great many airfields in the U.S. Try it before
you go somewhere new! Back to Top
http://mdwg.cap.gov/ Basic Ground
Team Member course and other training aids from Maryland wing. Follow the
'Emergency Services' and then the 'Training Materials' buttons.
http://cap.sedona.net/utilities/MSNMGT.html CAP Mission Management
Utilities by Pete Andersen, Arizona Wing. Arizona Wing also has a very
nice ES Training Guide and Resource Manual available on this site.
http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/MAEL/ag/df88.htm DF88: a program that
simulates an aircraft radio direction finding unit used by Civil Air Patrol
to locate Emergency Locator Transmitters. This is an excellent training
aid for those who wish to demonstrate how a DF works while still in the
classroom. This program was written by Bruce Bream of Ohio Wing.
http://www.njwg.cap.gov/docs/index.html Various useful CAP Publications
from New Jersey Wing
http://afpubs.hq.af.mil/ Air
Force Publications Online. I reccommend checking out AFM 10-206,
Operational Reporting (CAPR 50-15 references this for message format); AFI
36-5001, Organization and Function of the Civil Air Patrol (to know what the
Air Force thinks of us); AF Policy Directive 36-50P, Civil Air Patrol (for
AF commander's utilization of CAP); AFI 13-208, Rescue Coordination Center
Combat Search and Rescue Operating Procedures (for reference); and AF
Doctrine Document 34, Combat Search and Rescue Operations (for fun).
http://www.sirinet.net/~pberchto/organiza/cap/35150/courses.htm A good
grouping of yet another ES I Course, along with ROP A & B, plus GTM and GTL
classroom courses. By LtC Phil Berchtold.
http://www.fema.gov/emi/ishome.htm FEMA online EMI Independent Study
Courses available for credit. Their ICS course is highly recommended.
Computer Programs and Math for SAR from the Search and Rescue Society of
British Columbia
http://www.avweb.com/toc/database.html Tail Number, NTSB, and Airman
lookups courtesy AvWeb. (free membership required)
http://www.risingup.com/planespecs/ A database of aircraft performance
data for determining max possible range, true airspeed, capacities, and
other information.
Landings.com A searchable database for N-numbers.
http://www.silcom.com/~pelican2 Information about how to build a doppler
DF unit and a gateway to the Amateur Radio Direction Finding webring.
http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-o/g-opr/nsarc/nsp.htm#AMSAR The United States
National SAR plan.
http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/other_pubs/nsrsupp.pdf The United
States National Search and Rescue Supplement to the International
Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual.
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Pointer(tm) Inc. (maker of practice beacon ELTs)
TEMPE, AZ 85281
(480) 966-1674 (VOX)
(480) 968-8020 (FAX)
Timely Discount Topos, Inc.
9769 W 119th Dr
Broomfield CO 80021-2551
800-821-7609, 303-469-5022
SUMMARY: Member recommended. They deliver quadrangles and other topo maps,
reportedly very quickly and very cheaply. Knowledgeable staff.
"Search and Rescue Fundamentals," a highly recommended SAR text by
Cooper, Lavalla and Stoffel. It is published by the Emergency Response
Institute, Inc. (206) 491-7785, (509) 782-4832. It can also be found at
Amazon.com for $32. Some members have called this text "dated, but
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